As a nurse, you care for your patients and family. 

The pandemic redefined “normal” for nurses...


We've been pushed to breaking point...losing our love for something that brought us so much pride and joy!


But it's not over, my friend. Actually, far from it! 


I know the exhaustion can get heavy. You know, I've been there too! But with positive psychology and a tool belt stacked full of techniques to manage stress and'll be able to bring the calm amidst the chaos in no time!


Adding to the tolls you've acquired from the Thriving Nurse podcast and Slam The Stress Retreat, Bold Nurse Bootcamp will give you a deeper understanding and handle on managing the stress and unpredictability, and enable you to tap into more fulfillment and truly THRIVE! 










Do you ever feel that while nursing school gave us the book smarts, it didn’t equip us with the resources we need to repel stress and enhance our wellbeing?

Yeah, me too....that changes today!

Find yourself dreading your shifts, drowning in your to-do list or feeling like you’re never doing enough for your patients?

The stress just ISN’T hold the power to have the nursing career you dreamt of!




 The 10-week program dedicated to help you overcome both the  pre and post-pandemic challenges, in a way that’ll leave you THRIVING!

“But Abby…” I hear you say

I know you've tried everything your "supposed" to do...

You've been on the diet, the pre-shift gym regime...the long baths and walks to decompress


And even after Slam The Stress Retreat, you still sometimes find yourself

scrambling to keep your head above water


Bold Nurse Bootcamp was made for you!

You know I believe self-care starts on the inside. Those extra efforts are great! But without getting to the core of our emotional turmoil to truly resolve it, we are treating the symptoms, instead of the cause.

Bold Nurse Bootcamp was designed with your busy schedule in mind!

We all wish we had another 5 hours in the day, but that's the beauty of BNB!

You're able to complete this course around your current schedule, which will give you the tools you need to live a life you LOVE!

BNB combines my experience as a bedside nurse with my psychology-backed knowledge, resulting in a program that equips your overwhelmed and overworked self with positive psychology strategies to re-ignite your passion for nursing.


Over the course of this 10-week program, you’ll learn evidence-applied skills to help you effectively boost both your mental and emotional health  


Together, we can alter the course of our careers, while creating a revitalized nursing culture, full of nurses who feel supported, understood, and empowered!


I have been part of Abby's coaching program for over a year and it has been so amazing! I think it has been transformational, not only in my life as a nurse, and my workplace, but also in all areas of my life. She has been so helpful, especially going through these times with COVID, I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with her.

Create a fulfilling career in just 10 weeks!

Reclaim your power

You are the hero of your life! It's time to re-write your story and take back control!


In this module we dive deep into ridding the victim and stepping into your power as a nurse. 


How often have you thought, 

"things will be fine once the staffing ratios change"...


We are at risk of putting our lives on hold for something else to change it. 


No more my friend! 

You are the hero, and you are going to change your life! 


(Oh, and I'll show you how!)


Relationship Rulebook Revised

We became nurses because we love people, but relationships can be tricky to navigate.


As nurses, we are juggling relationships with patients, coworkers, management, and with people in our personal lives.

When we have turmoil in our relationships, it’s hard to feel like life is going well.


 Module 4 teaches you how to create more connection in your relationships and reduce frustration when people aren’t behaving how we’d like them to...

How to become the nurse you admire

Who do you want to be at the end of your nursing career?


....big question, right?!


I think we all know, but we can hold ourselves back from even speaking it, especially from creating it, out of fear.


In this module, I help you envision who you want to be and how you want to feel about your career on the day you retire.


 Then I help you start becoming that person now.


Let's stop waiting

Fulfillment on purpose

A fulfilling career isn’t something you find, it’s something you create!


Do you find yourself feeling cheated out of your days off, because you're worrying about work or dreading going back?!


I've been there too.


During this module we talk about how to intentionally create a career you love, manage pre-shift anxiety, reduce the overwhelm during your shift, and mentally "clock out" after your shifts so you can actually enjoy your days off! 


You can be the caring nurse you admire without taking your work home!

Leave your legacy

As nurses we are a rare breed - we’re smart, compassionate, talented individuals with SO much to offer the world.


Module 5 focuses on how to overcome self-doubt and setbacks, so you can bring the world your unique gifts.


We need BOLD NURSES to be leaders and to maximize their contribution in the world.


Together, we'll leave the legacy you're dreaming of!

Bold Nurse Bootcamp Digital course

5 modules with 5-6 lessons each

totaling approximately 30 minutes for each module

Welcome pack

Includes orientation videos teaching the foundational tools of Bold Nurse Bootcamp

Dive Deeper Exercises

Journal prompts and worksheets to apply the concepts taught in Bold Nurse Bootcamp

5 Minute Breakthrough Reflection Pack

Collection of insightful messages to read at staffing meeting or other facility events

10 weeks included membership to Bold Nurse Society

Live coaching calls, monthly Bold Nurse Brushups, unlimited access to Abby, Private Podcast Channel so yo can access replays on the go!


First 10 nurses to sign up to Bold Nurse Bootcamp get 



I’ve been a practicing acute care nurse for six years now, and over the last 2 years I have opened my skill set to helping nurses thrive via my positive psychology-backed tools and techniques, curated for the  unique challenges of our profession.


Burnout got me pretty good back in my second year of nursing. I remember scratching my head and asking myself (when no one was around to hear my delirious self) why I even became a nurse in the first place. As I frantically rushed between patients’ rooms, I wondered how I’d gotten conned into believing nursing would be a fulfilling, meaningful career. Sound like you?


Let me tell you, it doesn’t have to be that way!


I believe  with the perfect blend of passion and psychology, you can equip yourself with the skills and resources needed to feel balanced in your life , while reviving your purpose as a nurse.


I was scrolling through Facebook one day, going for a walk and I found an Abby Sanchez advertisement for The Thriving Nurse Podcast. The episode was about falling in love with nursing again. I put my headphones in,  and came back a whole new nurse! She really focuses a lot of her content on thought work and putting control back in my playing field again.

Ready to turn that grind to shine?

Stop settling for a stress-slammed life.  Being overworked and overwhelmed ISN’T normal

(despite how familiar it feels)


This is YOUR time to reshape your career into something that resonates and aligns with the

life you want to create

I’ve broken this program into three simple options for you. Let me know which one sounds more  your speed...


3 easy payments

Make 3 Payments of $400



Best Price

Pay in full today and get the best possible price! 



5 flex payments

Get started for $199!

And then 4 Payments of $381.50





I believe so much in what I teach in Bold Nurse Bootcamp that if after taking the course for 10 weeks, you are still feeling the same effects of stress and overwhelm, I will give you a full refund

Abby Sanchez

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